PE pipe locking method
Locking connector(Compression Coupler): is a simple installation, easy and easy way to install, suitable for low pressure or no pressure of the small diameter pipe joints and different materials of the pipeline convergence. Its reusability characteristics

Locked connection method Description:

In the use of a locking mechanism, the push ring in the locking joint is applied with a pressure to the seal, and the pipe to be connected is connected to achieve a sealed connection without a gap, which prevents the pipe from loosening.

1. 將推進環、防脫環、緊壓環及止水膠圈依序套在要接合的管末端,忘記套上或未按順序則需重來。

2. 止水膠圈套在管最邊緣後插入接頭本體,如圖將緊壓環扣入。

3. 將防脫環靠近緊壓環,到推進環可以鎖進螺牙,按照規定扭力鎖緊即可。